Vielen Dank für Ihren Kauf. 11 PRIDE ONLINE OFFER - JANUARY 2025Our Terms and conditions of business apply as well as our Cancellation policy and our Data protection declaration.*Title.Mr..Mrs..DiverseFirst Name*Last Name*Date of Birth *You must be 18 years old.Email *Phone number *Street *House number *Postal Code*Location *Beginning of membership *Trage hier deine Bankverbindung einCreditinstitut *iBAN *DescriptionSTART NOW, ONLY PAY IN 2025!*12 months with monthly extension if contract is not cancelled.* When taking out a membership for a term of 12 months or more - you will receive further information from your PRIDE team in the club.Privacy policy & Conditions *.I have taken note of the privacy policy as well as the terms and conditions and the house rules, accept them and would like to become a member of PRIDE..I hereby authorize Pride Fitness Düsseldorf 1 GmbH until revoked to debit the monthly dues due beginning with {{beginning_of_membership__}} from the above mentioned account by sepa direct debit mandate.Submittoday0